Monday, September 27, 2010

FOX & HOUND: Spoiling Patrons with Unwanted Freebies

Rating: 2/5 Flushes
Single / Multi person: Multi
Stats: 2 toilets, 2 urinals, 1 television
Stat they need: Remote control
Amenities: Free beer, free mouthwash
On TV: Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, Sixers (if nothing else is on)
On the Walls: Drink specials for the week
Atmosphere: Go Team!
Is the Disney Movie Based on this Bar: No
Quick note on the food: Typical bar food

With their 15+ TV's, Fox and Hound will make sure you don't miss a minute of the big game, even in the bathroom. That is, if you enjoy going in the sink. There is a TV in the bathroom but you won't be able to watch it on the pot (poor choice on their part). Though you will be able to listen.  But back to the point: every bathroom should have a TV, or be able to see one.  My college dorm was setup so I could watch the living room TV in the john from reflections in the bathroom door mirror and the reflective front window of the microwave (illustrated below).  Best use of a microwave ever.

Afraid the bar food you just ordered will get cold during your trip to the bathroom?  Bring it on in with you.  Fortunately for you, they decided to replace all the bathroom ceiling lights with heat lamps.  Now you know what fast food fries and other alliterations feel like.  Need a drink with that?  Every trip to the handicapped stall comes with a complementary Bud Light (hope you like it lukewarm and half-drank!).

Other than that, this bathroom is pretty handicap-unfriendly.  The lock on the door doesn't line up so you'll actually have to lift the door up to slide the pin over.  Free workout!  And the toilet paper dispenser is actually lower than the toilet seat so enjoy those deep bends getting some.  Though I will note that the flyer of weekly specials on the stall wall is blind-friendly... being that there's nothing to read in the first place.  

Lots of people have different preferences when it comes to hand drying: blow dryer, paper towel dispenser, paper towels in an ornate dish, an old man whose sole job it is to hand out paper towels while seated next to an empty "tips" jar, making it so awkward when you're about to leave that you don't even take a paper towel and have to wipe your hands on your shirt outside the bathroom. Oh, and half-wet paper towels scattered on the sink.  Which is clearly Fox and Hound's preference.  After you're done takin care of business, head back to your table with a round a shots.  Sit back and relax while all your friends toast your generosity.  Then make a run for the door before they realize it's free mouthwash from the men's room.

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